We are excited that our team led by Irene Nicolaou, partner of the firm and Calliopi Stavropoulos, senior associate of the firm advised entities under the management of Fortress Investment Group (UK) Ltd and Bain Capital Credit LP in the successful signing of the agreement for the acquisition of the Alphabet Secured Retail loan portfolio of a total book value of EUR1.4 billion, and Fortress Investment Group (UK) Ltd in the successful signing of the agreement for the acquisition of the Alphabet Unsecured/Low Secured loan portfolio of a total book value of EUR1.3 billion. The relevant tender process was launched by PQH in its capacity as liquidator of the sellers which are Greek credit institutions under special liquidation. We look forward to a successful closing of these transactions!
On December 10, 2024, the Greek Parliament passed the bill (Law 5164/2024), which, among other things, incorporates into Greek law the European Directive 2022/2464 on the submission of sustainability reports by companies, also known as the Corporate Sustainability...