Apr 19, 2024

Participation of Mr. Ilias Mikrouleas in the 11th Conference of the Public Law Association


Mr. Ilias Mikrouleas, partner of the law firm Kerameus and Partners, has participated  in the 11th Conference of the Public Law Association, in collaboration with the Thessaloniki Bar Association and the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which took place in Thessaloniki on the 5th and 6th April 2024.
Mr. Mikrouleas participated as a speaker in a panel on Public Procurement and Public Contracts.


Transposition of the EU Directive 2022/2464 (CSRD) in the Greek law

On December 10, 2024, the Greek Parliament passed the bill (Law 5164/2024), which, among other things, incorporates into Greek law the European Directive 2022/2464 on the submission of sustainability reports by companies, also known as the Corporate Sustainability...

Stella Kotziamani joins our firm as partner

We are very happy to announce that Stella Kotziamani joins our firm as partner. Stella is a well-established lawyer with more than twenty years of experience in the fields of corporate, commercial, banking, finance and capital markets law and has also extensive...

Successful signing of Alphabet Transaction

We are excited that our team led by Irene Nicolaou, partner of the firm and Calliopi Stavropoulos, senior associate of the firm advised entities under the management of Fortress Investment Group (UK) Ltd and Bain Capital Credit LP in the successful signing of the...

Year end capital markets transactions

The last months have been very exciting and active for our #capitalmarkets team. We advised our clients in the successful signing of seven sales of big loan portfolios of more than 1 billion total GBV and of multiple single ticket loan sales. Some of these...